Let’s find your “minimum viable health habits”.
To that end I apply the principles of lifestyle medicine and single-case-experimental designs in novel and evidence-based ways to my clients.
I’m the founder of the alliance for disease prevention and healthy aging (adiphea).
I received my doctoral degree from the Bielefeld University School of Public Health Sciences, Germany, my MSc degree in Exercise and Nutrition from Chester University, UK.
To make my work accessible to everyone, I publish weekly posts on Medium and Substack.
You might find some of them “contrarian” because I do not hide the fact that:
- Much of clinical research is useless for medical practice.
- Much of published research findings are distorted or outright false.
- You have only one shot at healthy longevity and deserve the truth.
Despite all that, to achieve healthy longevity is easier than you might think. And it should be accessible to everyone.
Oh, and I live what I preach.
Being over 65, with the function and vitality of a barely 40-years old I bring some credibility to the table. My wife Juliet at age 68 is testimony to that.
Aging successfully means aging without the burden of disease and with the pleasure of doing the (crazier) things in life, even when you are on the wrong side of 65.

The way I do my work is straightforward: I stick to my principles no matter what.

I seek the facts and report them as the data show them. Even when it is inconvenient.

I tell it plainly, because everyone has a right to comprehensible health information.

I treat my clients and readers with respect. Even when their lifestyle philosophies are contrary to mine

I am proudly without affiliations to any company whose products or services I discuss or recommend. And I’ll keep it that way.

hard working
Great research, health coaching and journalism, takes hard work, and I embrace it.
I seek the facts and report them as the data show them. Even when it is inconvenient.
I tell it plainly, because everyone has a right to comprehensible health information.
I treat my clients and readers with respect. Even when their lifestyle philosophies are contrary to mine.
I am proudly without affiliations to any company whose products or services I discuss or recommend. And I’ll keep it that way.
hard working
Great research, health coaching and journalism, takes hard work, and I embrace it.
For my work, I have received grants from the German government, the EU, and public organizations.

I have published articles in peer-reviewed international journals:
Journal of Applied Physiology | European Journal of Applied Physiology | European Journal of Preventive Cardiology | Heart Lung And Circulation | Clinical Research in Cardiology | Prevention Science | Preventive Medicine | Medical Hypotheses | Sports Medicine International Open | Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | BMC Public Health.
You may visit my profile on ResearchGate.